St Bede’s School strives to create an educational experience for all students that is strongly grounded in our Parish community. The education of our students, staff and parents begins with an invitation to explore and grow in understanding of our faith and how we can live it out within school and the wider community.
The pastoral care of all students is an important focus and we place significant emphasis on Student Wellbeing so that we may offer an education that is holistic. We give time to meeting and working with parents in order to build relationships that strengthen and enrich the way we work.
We are keen to build a school culture where staff value working together. We encourage all staff, inclusive of our leadership team, to be responsive in the way they work and to be open and reflective when reviewing their own performance and needs. There is a very genuine commitment to working with individuals so that staff will be skilled to improve student outcomes.
We unreservedly create a school culture where expectations, structures and processes are focused on our endeavour to meet the needs of students. We encourage strong commitment to excellence in teaching and learning.

Contact one of our friendly staff by clicking on their image.
Brian Grace
School Principal
Madeleine Durrant
Year 2 Teacher
Stephen Walsh
Year 5/6 Classroom Teacher
Laura Jeffreys
Literacy and Learning Enhancement
Justin McFarlane
Year 5/6 Classroom Teacher
Larissa Boyhan
Deputy Principal, Learning & Teaching Leader and REL Leader
Kristina Ferentinos
Year 2 Classroom Teacher
Marisa Bucello
Learning Support Officer
Fiona Clifford Learning Support Officer
Catrina Morabito
Year 3/4
Classroom Teacher
RE Leader & Music Teacher
Amanda Ferguson
Office Reception
Marianne Moore School Bursar
Nancy Catania
Learning Support Officer
Amanda Martin
Learning Diversity Leader & Literacy Support
Richard Price
Physical Education Teacher
John Bode
Performing Arts Teacher
Raphaelle Joly
French Language Assistant
Leah Chapman
Learning Support Officer
Monica Hennessy
Year 3/4
Classroom Teacher
Adriana Scardilli
Vera Dais
Learning Support Officer
Rosalie Silvers
Classroom Teacher and Mathematics Leader
Katie Day
Learning Support Officer
Sofie Puopolo
Learning Support Officer
Rebecca Whales
Classroom Teacher
Diana Antonello Year 1
Classroom Teacher
Cara Barrett
Visual Arts
O’ Donnell
Maintenance Manager
Jemima Boyhan
Learning Support Officer
Annabelle Boyhan
Learning Support Officer
Jessica Martino
Year 5/6 Teacher
Aliesha Moulder
Classroom Teacher
Enza Xerri
Learning Support Officer
Leonie Mani
Learning Support Officer

St Bede’s is one of two Catholic Schools in the parish of St Anne and St Bede. St Bede’s school was established in 1945 by the Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions and commenced on the 19th February with 21 students. Sr Catherine Brabender was the last Sister of Our Lady of the Missions to lead St Bede’s school.
There has always been a very strong community spirit and the support of parents and their close involvement in all aspects of the school and parish has been one of its strengths. This continues into the present day.
Today St Bede’s is a thriving school community with just over 288 students and 13 class groupings.