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Wellbeing is critical and is an important focus of staff, students and our wider school community. Social and Emotional Learning forms a key component of everything we do at St Bede’s. 

At St Bede’s we aim to:

  • Develop our self awareness

  • Develop quality relationships with members of our community

  • Develop Resilience 

  • Encourage collaboration 

  • Create a safe and inclusive learning and teaching environment

  • Develop sustainable community links and partnerships

  • Develop social and emotional learning skills

  • Engage students in effective wellbeing practices to focus on prevention and early intervention


At St Bede’s we engage with a variety of leading health and wellbeing professionals to support our students, staff and parents.. 


When we are experiencing problems in our relationships we implement a Restorative Practice approach to work out the best way forward. 



All students at St Bede’s are part of the buddy program. Older students are buddied up with younger students to help build connections and offer support. 



Student leadership provides an opportunity for students to actively participate in the life of our school. Students who take on particular roles such as School Captain or RE Leader implement a servant leadership model to demonstrate our commitment to living out our Christian values. 



St Bede’s Rights, Resilience and Respectful Relationships program is used as a resource to support our Wellbeing curriculum. It is designed to develop students’ social, emotional and positive relationship skills. 


We believe that all students have the right to feel safe and be safe in the school environment. St Bede’s proactively works with all students to act with respect and kindness at all times. All members of the school community are committed to ensuring a safe and caring environment, that promotes personal growth and positive self-esteem for all. 


St Bede’s is an eSmart school. As part of the Alannah and Madeline Foundation, a national charity that protects children from violence, we are an accredited eSmart school. It is designed to help manage cybersafety and deal with cyberbullying issues.

Cybersafety is taught from Prep - Year Six  as part of Digital Technologies. 



​At St Bede’s, we value and promote student voice, participation and engagement in all aspects of school and community life. Students are supported to develop student led initiatives. Student voice and participation is promoted through:

  • Inquiry Based Learning

  • Student Leadership Program

  • Classroom meetings/Circle Time

  • Social Justice initiatives

  • Lunchtime clubs



At St Bede’s we provide time for mindfulness for our students, our teachers and our parents. It is important to pause in order to better self-regulate our emotions, thus allowing us to make good choices and engage in our work by helping to improve our attention.  


At St Bede’s we are committed to providing every student with a learning environment in which they feel valued and respected and where individual differences are appreciated, understood and accepted. 

In each classroom we actively differentiate learning to provide for individual student’s needs. We are constantly monitoring and evaluating our teaching practices to ensure that we are providing appropriate adjustments for each student at their ‘point of need’.


The funding we receive each year through the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data survey is used to provide support staff as well as resources. Personalised Learning Plans (PLPs) are written for students with significant needs where termly goals are set and worked towards at school and at home.

Support services are accessed through a school referral process. Students have access to services provided by Catholic Education Melbourne: specialists and therapists in the areas of Speech Pathology and Psychology, and educational advisors. Our staff also welcome and encourage the use of the school setting for private Speech and Occupational Therapy sessions to assist families and our school community. 

We offer intervention programs to further support students who are identified through the use of data as having specific additional learning needs. Some of these programs are:

  • Levelled Literacy Intervention

  • ERIK Reading Program

  • Toe by Toe (MultiSensory Phonics Program)

  • Academic Competitions

  • Case Management and Scheduling for private Occupational Therapy or Speech Therapy services.

  • Social Skills Programs/Lunchtime Clubs

  • School Psychologist/Counsellor


The school uses the services of an accredited Psychologist from Healing Minds Psychology. The Psychologist sees referred students regularly during school time. This service is free and confidential but must be accessed through a referral from the child’s GP and a Medicare Mental Health plan.

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Student Clubs

Ukulele Club

Minecraft Club

Tin Whistle Club

Crochet Club

Lego Club

Chess Club

Sustainability Club

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